Welcome to The Inanity Club

Member Reinstatement

Information Page

As a Past Member you know that The Inanity Club was here for the sheer hell of it! Well, listen up - The Inanity Club is still here for the sheer hell of it!

It is very unlikely that you were ejected unwillingly from the Inanity Club, as conduct warranting such action is difficult to imagine. So it is likely that you voluntarily resigned your membership because it was a waste of time, or you were appalled by the Club's content, or you simply did not wish to be affilliated in any way with its other members. For whatever reason your membership in the Club has lapsed and now you are considering reinstatement. Under most circumstances member reinstatement is a simple effort but it is not necessarily a forgone conclusion. All requests are reviewed and reinstatement may be denied with or (more likely) without cause.

Please be advised that The Inanity Club has not codified the procedures for reinstatement into The Inanity Club. Nevertheless you are still encouraged to re-consider your answer to the prime question... Why in god's name would you want to be a member of any sorority, much less the Inanity Club?

  1. The past member must submit her request for re-instatement, with photo, via e-mail to the Inanity Club.
  2. Past members requesting re-instatement are advised to bribe an Inanity Club officer with cash or equivalents, or sexual favors. Cash bribes of $5 or less or a Grande Starbuck's latte have been known to be effective.
  3. Those past members who have been permanently barred from membership for eternity are advised to try cash amounts of at least $20 or sexual favors involving penetration.
  4. Bribes should be transmitted to Inanity Club officers through personal channels and never be mentioned in official club publications.
  5. It is requested that members who are reinstated should NOT submit new application/questionnaire. As past members, you should be aware that the officers are too busy to review your personal information and they do not care about it anyway.
  6. Past members with more than one lapsed period of any length or with a lapsed period greater than 6 months or have resigned by statement will be vetted by the officers of the Club and the House of Ladies, as soon as they can figure out what "vetting" means.
  7. If approved the Reinstatement Effective Date will be the first Tuesday of the third month following the last Sunday of the week the Request for Reinstatement was received, except during election years in which years.. oh, forget it.
A few words to the wise...
If you resigned for cause, that is you had issues within the Club, you should be advised that those issues more than likely still exist. If your are unwilling to deal with those issues in some manner other than resigning, please do not apply for reinstatement. Bitch!

The Inanity Club tries to present to the Inane Community an exclusive, desirable, stylish, sophisticated and an otherwise self-important group of women. For the Inanity Club to achieve that presentation means that the membership must avoid dealing with those very differences mentioned above. Differences or diversity only will make us, The Inanity Club, different or diverse! ..and sometimes just make us weep. But diversity will also make us deal with each other as stereotypes. If you are unwilling to accept others for who they are then you are pretty typical, really. The answers lie within you. Please quit asking me!

The entire content of this WebSite is copyrighted under the United States copyright laws.
The owner of this copyright is The Inanity Club.
Copyright © 2002 The Inanity Club; All rights reserved.
Date Last Updated: August 10, 2002